Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Steering at the Vera

I'm steering Sunday night for the Javelin show with Weekend and Big Spider's Back. I get to show up early, assign volunteers to jobs and review what they are supposed to do, and make sure they take care of their responsibilities. At the end of the night I fill out the paperwork showing who volunteered for which jobs for how long and sign it.

If we're lucky and there are plenty of volunteers I mostly get to watch and point others at tasks. On weekday nights with less popular acts volunteers are harder to come by and you can end up sweeping the whole place up by yourself after midnight, so you really do appreciate the good volunteer help when you get it.

I'm not all that fond of paperwork and supervision, but I don't mind much either. I want to help the Vera in it's mission to get local kids into the business of putting on shows, so I'm happy to step forward and do the work for a show now and then. I've been doing more like a show a week recently, on top of various committee meetings pretty much weekly, so the overhead is getting a bit high.

The show must go on, though, so maybe the best bet is working the next steering committee to make sure everyone is taking turns, and signing either Chris (Steering committee chair) or myself up to actively recruit for it in the next members meeting.

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